Fig. 2: Magnetic excitations at intermediate magnetic fields. | Nature Communications

Fig. 2: Magnetic excitations at intermediate magnetic fields.

From: Magnon bound states versus anyonic Majorana excitations in the Kitaev honeycomb magnet α-RuCl3

Fig. 2

a The creation of a bound state from itinerant fermions bound to localized fluxes and b from binding only itinerant Majorana fermions. ch Evolution of Raman data obtained at T = 2 K (open circles) with increasing fields from 0 to 9.5 T. The shaded regions denote the decomposition of the magnetic excitations into well-defined peaks and a continuum of excitations. The solid line is a sum of all excitations. The M1 (blue) and M2 (purple shading) modes at low fields of 0–4.3 T correspond to spin-wave excitations. The mode (M3) may be a higher-energy branch of magnon excitations. The excitation MB (dark red) above the critical field of 6.7 T is assigned to a Majorana bound state. The shoulder (MB’) is either another Majorana bound state or a van-Hove singularity of the Majorana continuum excitations.

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