Fig. 2: Conditional effect plots showing the predicted mean number of non-household contacts and 95% posterior credible intervals for several covariates. | Nature Communications

Fig. 2: Conditional effect plots showing the predicted mean number of non-household contacts and 95% posterior credible intervals for several covariates.

From: Quantifying population contact patterns in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic

Fig. 2

Predicted mean number of non-household contacts is shown for (a) day of the week; (b) household size; (c) race/ethnicity; (d) age/sex group; and (e) geography. Predictions come from a negative binomial model fit to reported numbers of non-household contacts made by n = 9743 survey respondents. Colors are used in panels ce to show estimated interactions. Covariate values not being manipulated in each panel are set to values for a white female aged 35–44 from the national sample who lives in a two-person household during a weekday in wave 3 (“Methods”). Uncertainty bars show 95% posterior credible intervals. Supplementary Fig. 2 shows the same predictions for an analogous model fit to all contacts.

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