Fig. 4: Implied R0 estimates for each wave. | Nature Communications

Fig. 4: Implied R0 estimates for each wave.

From: Quantifying population contact patterns in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic

Fig. 4

The implied R0 from the BICS contact matrices for each wave relative to two baseline contact matrices from the 2015 study and the UK POLYMOD study, and assuming a baseline R0 value drawn from a normal distribution with mean 2.5 and standard deviation of 0.54. Circles indicate R0 estimates calculated from age-structured contact matrices for all reported contacts (n = 3163 in Wave 0, n = 7473 in Wave 1, n = 7842 in Wave 2 and n = 11, 402 in Wave 3); diamonds indicate R0 estimates calculated from age-structured contact matrices for contacts where no mask usage was reported (n = 5777 in Wave 1, n = 5818 in Wave 2 and n = 7583 in Wave 3). Ninety-five percent confidence intervals were derived from the bootstrap. FB: 2015 Facebook survey.

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