Correction to: Nature Communications, published online 13 November 2020.

The original version of this Article contained errors in the captions of Figs. 2 and 4 and their corresponding main text. In the caption of Fig. 2, right panels should read right panel; middle panel should read right panel. In the caption of Fig. 4, t2 = 0 ps (coincidence between pump and probe, blue curve) and 1.28 ps (green curve) should read t2 = −0.4 ps (coincidence between pump and probe, blue curve) and 0.8 ps (green curve); t2 = 0 ps (blue curve) and 1.28 ps (green curve) should read t2 = −0.4 ps (blue curve) and 0.8 ps (green curve). In the main text of page 5, VO2 NWs should read VO2 NWs. In the main text of page 6, the blue box in the right panel should read the blue box in the middle panel; t2 = 0 ps and t2 = 1.28 ps should read t2 = −0.4 ps and t2 = 0.8 ps; decrease at 1.28 ps should read decrease at 0.8 ps; a time constant of ~145 fs should read a time constant of ~155 fs; a time constant of ~155 fs should read a time constant of ~240 fs.

This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.