Fig. 6: RSS-NET gene prioritization results of select trait-network pairs. | Nature Communications

Fig. 6: RSS-NET gene prioritization results of select trait-network pairs.

From: Modeling regulatory network topology improves genome-wide analyses of complex human traits

Fig. 6

Shown are four trait-network pairs: a body mass index and pancreas; b rheumatoid arthritis and B cell; c high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and liver; d neuroticism and putamen. In the first column of each panel, each point represents a member gene of a given network (blue circle: TF; orange triangle: TG). Dashed lines have slope 1 and intercept 0. In the second and third columns, each point represents a cell type- or tissue-specific network to which a select gene belongs. Numerical values of P1 and BF are available online (Data availability) and are provided as a Source Data file.

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