Fig. 1: Mutational landscape of IDHi-treated AML patients and their association with clinical response. | Nature Communications

Fig. 1: Mutational landscape of IDHi-treated AML patients and their association with clinical response.

From: Leukemia stemness and co-occurring mutations drive resistance to IDH inhibitors in acute myeloid leukemia

Fig. 1

A Landscape of high-confidence somatic mutations detected in baseline samples by sequencing with a 295-gene panel. Legend for the best response is located at the top left, while legend for the mutation classification is located at the top right. Baseline mutation data are available for 59 patients. B Forrest plot showing enrichment of the mutations at baseline against complete remission (CR) by logarithmic odds ratio. Two-sided Fisher’s exact test was performed. *P < 0.05 (P = 0.012 for RUNX1; P = 0.037 for TF). Circles (center of the error bars) represent odds ratios. The error bars represent 95% confidence interval of odds ratio. Baseline mutation data are available for 59 patients, out of which 11 achieved CR. Genes mutated in three or more patients are plotted. TS tumor suppressor, TF transcription factors. Source data are provided as Source data files.

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