Fig. 3: The relationship between the formation energy and the pore size and density of C1−xNx with pyridinic nitrogen. | npj Computational Materials

Fig. 3: The relationship between the formation energy and the pore size and density of C1−xNx with pyridinic nitrogen.

From: Design of two-dimensional carbon-nitride structures by tuning the nitrogen concentration

Fig. 3

a Comparison of the formation energy per atom for pyridinic nitrogen atoms in the porous C1−xNx structures with different hexagonal pore sizes (N = 1–4). The atoms in blue are nitrogen atoms, those in gray are carbon atoms. b The formation energies per atom for periodic pore structures at various concentrations of nitrogen. In both figures, the values are calculated for a temperature of 0 K. Additional structures are shown in Supplementary Fig. 3.

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