Table 2 Concentration of total gangliosides (sum of GM3 and GD3) in human milk subjected to different heat treatments and storage times

From: Application of industrial treatments to donor human milk: influence of pasteurization treatments, storage temperature, and time on human milk gangliosides


[Total gangliosides] (mg/L)

Storage time

No heat treatment






Room temperature (23 °C/40% RH)

Cold temperature (4 °C)

Room temperature (23 °C/40% RH)

Cold temperature (4 °C)

Room temperature (23 °C/40% RH)

Cold temperature (4 °C)

Room temperature (23 °C/40% RH)

Cold temperature (4 °C)

Room temperature (23 °C/40% RH)

Cold temperature (4 °C)

Day 7

14.66 ± 0.79

14.56 ± 0.74

14.69 ± 0.43

14.69 ± 0.57

15.35 ± 0.78

15.38 ± 0.96

14.85 ± 0.36

14.98 ± 1.34

14.95 ± 0.38

14.96 ± 0.94

Day 30

14.51 ± 0.175

14.59 ± 0.60

14.43 ± 0.67

14.69 ± 0.51

15.21 ± 0.38

15.33 ± 0.37

14.93 ± 0.80

14.97 ± 0.44

15.27 ± 0.30

15.37 ± 0.67

Day 60

14.46 ± 0.468

14.72 ± 0.85

14.60 ± 0.17

14.62 ± 0.10

15.43 ± 0.64

15.44 ± 0.58

14.85 ± 0.29

15.00 ± 0.34

15.03 ± 0.13

15.14 ± 0.66

Day 90

14.40 ± 0.489

14.69 ± 0.25

14.61 ± 0.39

14.66 ± 0.15

15.17 ± 0.58

15.55 ± 0.75

14.84 ± 0.83

14.94 ± 0.17

14.85 ± 0.47

15.08 ± 0.74

  1. Results expressed as mg total ganglioside/L human milk (n = 3). Results expressed as mean ± standard deviation (n = 3)
  2. HT-1 Holder pasteurization (63 °C/30 min), HT-2 standard high-temperature-short-time pasteurization (72 °C/15 s), HT-3 extended shelf-life protocol (127 °C/5 s), HT-4 ultrahigh-temperature pasteurization (140 °C/6 s), RH relative humidity