Extended Data Fig. 4: The effect of different terrestrial biomass δ13C values on forest fire area estimates. | Nature Geoscience

Extended Data Fig. 4: The effect of different terrestrial biomass δ13C values on forest fire area estimates.

From: Marine organic carbon burial increased forest fire frequency during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2

Extended Data Fig. 4

Axes and blue shading same as in Fig. 3 main text. Line types indicate different forest biomass δ13C values (solid = −28‰, dashed = -24‰) used to test sensitivity of carbon mass balance equation to starting forest biomass carbon isotopic composition. Minimum estimate (900 ppm CO2, δ13Cforest = −28, total forest size of 1000 Gt C) is 26%, maximum estimate (1100 ppm CO2, δ13Cforest = −24, total forest size of 900 Gt C) is 40%.

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