Extended Data Fig. 3: Total learning and residual error scale with perturbation magnitude. | Nature Human Behaviour

Extended Data Fig. 3: Total learning and residual error scale with perturbation magnitude.

From: An implicit memory of errors limits human sensorimotor adaptation

Extended Data Fig. 3

Here we consider data adapted from Neville and Cressman9. Participants in an uninstructed condition were placed into 3 groups, each defined by perturbation magnitude. a, At left, we show response of the 20° rotation group. At middle, we show response of the 40° rotation group. At right, we show response of the 60° rotation group. b, We calculated the total amount of learning in each group over the last 10 perturbation epochs (black points). Next, we simulated the total learning predicted by Eq. (6) (Eq. (S1) in Supplementary Information) reproduced at top of inset. Model prediction is shown in blue line. c, We calculated the total residual error (perturbation minus total learning) over the last 10 epochs of the perturbation period (black points). Next, we simulated the total residual error predicted by Eq. (S3), reproduced at top of inset. Model prediction is shown in blue line. Error bars are mean ± SEM.

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