Extended Data Fig. 8: Efficiency comparison between single and multiple mobility operators. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 8: Efficiency comparison between single and multiple mobility operators.

From: Addressing the minimum fleet problem in on-demand urban mobility

Extended Data Fig. 8

The optimal fleet size in the single-operator and the multi-operator mobility service in each day for the first 100 days (1 January corresponds to day index 1) in the year 2011. In the case of multiple operators, trips are randomly assigned to one of the operators in equal proportions, and network-based optimization is performed by each operator independently. The number of vehicles needed by each operator are then summed and the number for each operator is shown in a. b, Fleet-size percentage increase plot showing how the transition from a monopolistic to a oligopolistic market incurs a drop in efficiency of 4%–6% for a two-operator market, and of about 6%–10% for a three-operator market. The further increase in the number of operators leads to higher inefficiency in terms of fleet size as it moves away from the global optimum achievable in the monopolistic market to an increasingly fragmented market.

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