Extended Data Fig. 4: Detailed temporal patterns of the minimum fleet. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 4: Detailed temporal patterns of the minimum fleet.

From: Addressing the minimum fleet problem in on-demand urban mobility

Extended Data Fig. 4

At each time during a day, each active vehicle in the minimum fleet set operates in one of three possible modes: (1) empty of passengers and on the way to pick up a passenger, (2) empty of passengers and waiting at a passenger’s pick-up location to pick up, (3) serving, with a passenger on board. The number of vehicles operating in each of these modes computed for each minute during the day follows regular daily and weekly patterns, as shown by the three coloured curves for all months in the year. The total fleet size active on the road (black-to-grey curves) demonstrates robustness, because most of the vehicles in the minimum fleet are active at all times during the day (see also Extended Data Fig. 5a and b). Different panels correspond to different months, and the colour intensity is used to differentiate different days of the week.

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