Extended Data Table 4 Maximum enthalpy efficiency value for muscle fibre bundles from wildebeest and cow

From: Remarkable muscles, remarkable locomotion in desert-dwelling wildebeest

  1. a, b, Data from wildebeest. c, Data from cows. Animal-bundle code: digit indicates the animal, letter indicates the fibre bundle from that animal. In a, the line 3A&B lists the averages of the results for two fibre bundles, A and B, from the same wildebeest, no. 3. In b, the results of these fibre bundles, 3A and 3B, are listed separately. The table lists the maximum enthalpy efficiency (max ε), the duty cycle and phase at which it was produced and the net work, enthalpy, power and enthalpy rate produced in the max ε condition (maximum ε value from all duty cycles and phases tested on the muscle fibre bundle, see Extended Data Fig. 2). Enthalpy efficiency (ε) is the net work/enthalpy produced by the muscle during three cycles of sinusoidal movement at 0.5 Hz with stimulation during part of each movement cycle. Net work is the sum of the work done during the shortening part and the lengthening part of the movement cycles. In this context, work done during shortening is taken to be positive, and that during lengthening to be negative. Enthalpy is the sum of net work and heat production. Work is the integral of active force and length change. Active force is the total force produced with stimulation − that produced without stimulation. ‘Av power’ is the average power in three cycles of movement = work/6 s. ‘Av enthalpy rate’ is the enthalpy produced in three cycles of movement/6 s. Duty cycle (stimulation duration in s in one cycle/2-s cycle time) and stimulation phase (that is the, stimulation start time − shortening start time)/2-s cycle time) are shown.