Extended Data Fig. 2: Orbital confinement upon electron transfer in pentacene. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 2: Orbital confinement upon electron transfer in pentacene.

From: Mapping orbital changes upon electron transfer with tunnelling microscopy on insulators

Extended Data Fig. 2

a, b, Electronic transitions probed by the same metal tip apex (A = 1 Å): 0→1 (a; Vd.c. = 1.87 V, Va.c. = 1.00 Vpp, Δz = 2 Å); 1→0 (b; Vd.c. = 1.87 V, Va.c. = 1.50 Vpp, Δz = 2 Å). Δz is given with respect to an AFM setpoint of Δf = −3.2 Hz at Vd.c. = 0 V. Scale bar, 5 Å. c, Line profiles taken along the directions indicated in a and b.

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