Extended Data Fig. 5: Relationship of rs2105898 alleles to a known ZNF143 binding motif in the XL9 region of the MHC class II locus. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 5: Relationship of rs2105898 alleles to a known ZNF143 binding motif in the XL9 region of the MHC class II locus.

From: Complement genes contribute sex-biased vulnerability in diverse disorders

Extended Data Fig. 5

a, Location of rs2105898 (yellow line at centre) within the XL9 region, with relevant tracks showing overlapping histone marks and transcription factor binding peaks (from ENCODE52), visualized with the UCSC genome browser53. b, ZNF143 consensus binding motif as a sequence logo, with the letters coloured if the base is present in more than 5% of observed instances. The alleles of rs2105898 are indicated by outlined box surrounding the base.

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