Extended Data Fig. 6: Blueprints of driver mutations of cancer genes. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 6: Blueprints of driver mutations of cancer genes.

From: In silico saturation mutagenesis of cancer genes

Extended Data Fig. 6

ad, Blueprints of potential driver mutations in EGFR across lung adenocarcinomas (a), in KRAS across pancreatic adenocarcinomas (b), in RB1 across bladder tumours (c), and in PIK3CA across breast adenocarcinomas (d). Blueprints of all cancer genes with models are available at https://intogen.org/boostdm. e, Comparison of the fraction of potential driver mutations (from all possible) in tumour suppressors and oncogenes. The former exhibit significantly larger fractions of potential driver mutations than the latter. f, Distribution of potential driver mutations along the sequence of TP53 across 33 tumour types. The dendrogram represents the similarity in distribution of potential driver mutations between malignancies. Boxplots: centre line, median; box limits, first and third quartiles; whiskers, lowest/highest data points at first quartile minus/plus 1.5× IQR.

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