Supplementary Fig. 11: Additional GWAS and eQTL enrichment in sites of allele-specific chromatin. | Nature Genetics

Supplementary Fig. 11: Additional GWAS and eQTL enrichment in sites of allele-specific chromatin.

From: Landscape of stimulation-responsive chromatin across diverse human immune cells

Supplementary Fig. 11

a, Similar to Fig. 6a, however we included an additional null set of SNPs (green). The new null set represent the entire set of heterozygous variants where we computed a p-value. b, Similar to Fig. 6b, however we used eQTLs from naïve T cells that were previously published (Chen, L. et al., Cell. 167, 1398-1414 e24, 2016). Sample sizes can be found in Supplementary Table 1. We computed p-values with a two-sided Mann–Whitney U test.

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