Supplementary Figure 4: Single-cell trajectories of fetal intestinal CD4+ T cells. | Nature Immunology

Supplementary Figure 4: Single-cell trajectories of fetal intestinal CD4+ T cells.

From: Memory CD4+ T cells are generated in the human fetal intestine

Supplementary Figure 4

(a-b) t-SNE embeddings of all fetal intestinal CD4+ T cells analyzed in (a) the mass cytometry dataset (n = 10,436 cells, 35 proteins) and (b) the RNA-seq dataset (n = 1,743 cells, 300 variable genes) at the middle of the t-SNE computation. Colors indicate marker expression. (c) Diffusion map and (d) VorteX analysis of all fetal intestinal CD4+ T cells analyzed in mass cytometry dataset (n = 10,436 cells, 35 proteins). Colors indicate different cell clusters. (e) Diffusion map and (f) PCA analysis of all fetal intestinal CD4+ T cells analyzed in the RNA-seq dataset (n = 1,743 cells, 2,174 variable genes). Colors indicate different cell clusters.

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