Table 2 Non-climate drivers of the transmission and spread of vector-borne diseases

From: Climate change: an enduring challenge for vector-borne disease prevention and control

Globalization and environment



Deforestation, mining and dams

Change vector and non-human host habitats

Ecosystem degradation/change

Changes vector and non-human host habitats

International travel and trade

Spreads pathogen and vector


Provides an ideal habitat for A. aegypti

Population displacement

Spreads pathogen to new locations or puts immunologically susceptible populations in contact with the vector and pathogen

Sociodemographic factors



Population demographic composition

Children, the elderly and pregnant women may have elevated vulnerability

Level of economic development

Quality of housing (including presence of air conditioning) affects exposure to vectors

Baseline incidence of disease

Vulnerability to climate change may be highest at the margins of current endemic areas

Population health status

Low level of population health increases vulnerability

Humanitarian crises

War and famine confer high vulnerability

Public health systems




Passive and active surveillance inform prevention and control efforts

Early warning systems

Preemptive vector control and other public health responses occur before impending outbreaks

Vector control

Vector control measures reduce vector abundance

Quality of healthcare system

Access to and quality of healthcare can affect size of infected human population, as well as case fatality rate and prevalence and severity of disabilities


Research on vector control, disease treatment, vaccine development, pathogen and vector evolution, and how to best coordinate prevention and control efforts across sectors, can lead to progress in control of vector-borne diseases

Vector and pathogen characteristics



Insecticide resistance

Vector proliferation

Vector evolution

Potential for greater vectorial capacity

Pathogen drug resistance

Increased pool of infected humans

Pathogen evolution

Potential for higher pathogen transmissibility or virulence