Extended Data Fig. 10: Comparison of the circulating latent reservoir and rebound viruses. | Nature Medicine

Extended Data Fig. 10: Comparison of the circulating latent reservoir and rebound viruses.

From: Combination anti-HIV-1 antibody therapy is associated with increased virus-specific T cell immunity

Extended Data Fig. 10

Maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees of full-length gag sequences isolated from CD4+ T cell genomic near-full length (NFL) HIV-1 sequencing and rebound plasma SGA from participants 9241, 9242, 9243, 9244, 9246, 9247 and 9252. Open and closed black rectangles indicate NFL-derived viruses from pre-infusion (week -2) and week 12, respectively. Viruses obtained at the time of rebound are indicated by red rectangles (plasma SGA). Asterisks indicate individuals where there is at least one identical match between a gag sequence from the latent reservoir and the rebound viruses.

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