Supplementary Figure 15: Un-cropped versions of the immunoblots in Figure S12 | Nature Neuroscience

Supplementary Figure 15: Un-cropped versions of the immunoblots in Figure S12

From: A multiregional proteomic survey of the postnatal human brain

Supplementary Figure 15

Note that all GADPH blots were visualised using Licor 800 antibodies, and only the 25 kDa ladder band is visible at this wavelength. A) mGlur2/3 and the corresponding GADPH blot. B) CNR1 and the corresponding GAPDH control. This blot was then trimmed and re-probed for NTRK3. C) PDE4D immunoblot and corresponding GAPDH control. D) NTRK3 immunoblot. See B) for GAPDH control

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