Supplementary Figure 4: Non-normalized angular counts of deviation angle θ. | Nature Neuroscience

Supplementary Figure 4: Non-normalized angular counts of deviation angle θ.

From: The functional organization of cortical feedback inputs to primary visual cortex

Supplementary Figure 4

a, Angular bin counts for non-selective LM boutons. Boutons less than 10° away from the origin are discarded for angular counts. Inner circle, expected fraction of a uniform distribution (0.125). b, Same as in a but for the four subpopulations of OS LM boutons. c, Mean non-normalized bowtie angular distribution for the different subpopulations of OS boutons. Values are angles of the bowtie relative to the axis of preferred orientation. Colored lines, individual OS subpopulations. Colors correspond to b. Thick black line and circles, weighted mean across OS subpopulations. d, Difference in bouton counts across perpendicular bowtie bins. e, Same as in a,b but for the 45° and 90° DS subpopulations. f, Mean non-normalized angular distribution for the different subpopulations of DS boutons. Colors correspond to Fig. 6b. Thick magenta line and circles, weighted mean across DS subpopulations. Inner circle = 0.125. g, Difference in bouton counts between angular bins of opposing angles for all DS boutons. Shading in d,g, 95% confidence interval obtained by reshuffling group identities.

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