Supplementary Figure 6: OS non-DS feedback inputs are enriched along the axis perpendicular to their preferred orientation. | Nature Neuroscience

Supplementary Figure 6: OS non-DS feedback inputs are enriched along the axis perpendicular to their preferred orientation.

From: The functional organization of cortical feedback inputs to primary visual cortex

Supplementary Figure 6

a, Mean normalized bowtie counts for OS non-DS boutons (**, 90°, P = 0.0096, two-sided permutation test, corrected for multiple comparisons, n = 960 OS non-DS boutons and 1362 Non-selective boutons). b, Difference in bouton abundance across perpendicular bowtie bins (**, P = 0.0004, two-sided permutation test, corrected for multiple comparisons, n = 960 OS non-DS boutons and 1362 Non-selective boutons). Shading in a,b, 95% confidence interval obtained by reshuffling group identities.

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