Extended Data Fig. 7: The effect on serial biases of targeting dlPFC with TMS diminishes in the course of the experimental session. | Nature Neuroscience

Extended Data Fig. 7: The effect on serial biases of targeting dlPFC with TMS diminishes in the course of the experimental session.

From: Interplay between persistent activity and activity-silent dynamics in the prefrontal cortex underlies serial biases in working memory

Extended Data Fig. 7

Serial bias plots averaged across n=20 independent subjects for trials with TMS applied in vertex (a) and PFC (b), and difference between serial biases computed for sham and weak-tms trials in vertex (black) and in PFC (red) blocks (c). Same analyses as in Fig. 6, but (top) analyzing trials from the full session, (middle) first half session (225 trials, replication of Fig. 6) and (bottom) last half session (225 trials). The behavioral impact of PFC TMS stimulation declined through the session, as if subjects desensitized (prev-curr × TMS intensity × session-half t11083 = –2.38, p = 0.017. Methods, Linear Mixed Models). Serial biases were modulated by TMS in PFC, but not in Vertex (prev-curr × TMS intensity × coil location, t18272 = 2.21, p = 0.027. For dlPFC: prev-curr × TMS intensity, t11087 = 2.13, p = 0.032. For Vertex: t7166 = 0.03, p = 0.97. Methods, Linear mixed models) when analyzing the full session, and analyzing only the first half session (t9133 = 2.51, p = 0.011). x-axis coordinates mark the central value of windows (π/2 radians, sliding by π/30 radians) used to calculate behavioral biases.

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