Extended Data Fig. 4: Running speed in the linear track in RW and VR. | Nature Neuroscience

Extended Data Fig. 4: Running speed in the linear track in RW and VR.

From: Enhanced hippocampal theta rhythmicity and emergence of eta oscillation in virtual reality

Extended Data Fig. 4

a, Running speed (means ± SD) of the rats as a function of position on a 2.2-m-long linear track for RW (blue) and VR (red). Although the rats were faster in RW, their behavior was similar, reliably reducing speed before reaching the end of the track (n = 49 sessions in RW, n = 121 sessions in VR). b, Average speeds in RW (69.42 ± 0.27) were significantly greater (p < 10−10, χ2 = 2502.3, KW test) than in VR (47.00 ± 0.15). c, CV of running speeds in RW (0.59 ± 0.0023) were significantly greater (p < 10−10, χ2 = 2933.6, KW test) than in VR (0.35 ± 0.0012). d, Average speeds in RW (147.13 ± 0.02) were significantly greater (p < 10−10, χ2 = 2872.7, KW test) than in VR (81.48 ± 0.0046). Shaded areas in a denote s.e.m.

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