Supplementary Figure 2: Mutation analysis of multiple Let-7b MREs in CDS regions of individual genes. | Nature Structural & Molecular Biology

Supplementary Figure 2: Mutation analysis of multiple Let-7b MREs in CDS regions of individual genes.

From: A novel class of microRNA-recognition elements that function only within open reading frames

Supplementary Figure 2

a,b,c,d, Deduced base-paring between Let-7b and its targets in individual genes that function only in CDS, as described in main Fig. 2f. A panel of mutants in each targeting site is also shown with calculated base-pairing potential (∆G). The constructs on the left of each panel contain progressive mutations in 3’ side and the constructs on the right of each panel carry progressive mutations in 3’ side with restored base-pairing in 5’ seed (red-labeled nucleotides). e,f, Luciferase activities of individual reporters containing different mutations, without (e) or with restored seed (f), as indicated. The data in e and f were based on 3 independent experiments. *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001 (Student’s t-test).

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