Figure 1 | Scientific Reports

Figure 1

From: A-to-I editing in human miRNAs is enriched in seed sequence, influenced by sequence contexts and significantly hypoedited in glioblastoma multiforme

Figure 1

Distribution of A-to-I editing in different healthy human tissues. (A) A-to-I editing in mature miRNAs is the highest in Prefrontal cortex (two-tailed t-test; p = 0.003 with respect to lung samples). Percentage A-to-I editing was calculated by dividing the number of edited miRNAs by the total number of miRNAs expressed with a read count greater than equal to 10. The numbers above the bars represent the number of different individuals analysed. (B) C14 miRNA cluster show enriched A-to-I editing. The fraction of edited miRNAs from C14 was significantly higher compared to the miRnome average in all tissues analyzed (p < 0.008), the tissues have been arranged according to descending order of miRnome-wide editing.

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