Figure 6 | Scientific Reports

Figure 6

From: Heterologous expression of the yeast Tpo1p or Pdr5p membrane transporters in Arabidopsis confers plant xenobiotic tolerance

Figure 6

Effects of an alachlor or metalochlor challenge on transgenic Arabidopsis lines expressing the yeast Tpo1p transporter. (a) Representative images of 7-d old seedlings of the wild type (Col-0) and TPO1 (TPO1L1, L2, L4) transgenic lines grown on media containing alachlor (left panel) or metalochlor (right panel). Plant growth under control conditions is shown in Fig. 1 and Table 1. (b) Effect of alachlor or metalochlor toxicity on PR elongation (upper panel) and shoot biomass (lower panel) of seedlings of the wild type (Col-0) and TPO1 (TPO1L1, L2, L4) transgenic lines. Values represent means ± SD (n = 8), with similar results being obtained in three independent experiments performed with different seed batches. Asterisks denote statistically significant differences between ScTPO1-expressing lines and the wild type (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01; Student’s t-test).

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