Figure 2 | Scientific Reports

Figure 2

From: In-vivo X-ray Dark-Field Chest Radiography of a Pig

Figure 2

First in-vivo porcine multi-contrast chest radiographs. Attenuation (a,b), X-ray dark-field (c,d) and differential phase (e,f) chest radiographs of a healthy, living pig in posteroanterior (PA) (top row) and lateral (LAT) view (bottom row). Both scans were conducted using imaging parameters compliant with animal care, namely 40 seconds total scan time and a radiation dose of approximately 80 µSv. In particular the XDF radiographs (c,d) allow for an easy and unambiguous assessment of the pig lung, since overlying structures (e.g. fat) present only negligible scattering, and the XDF signal strength is correlated to the number of alveolar interfaces. Please note: images ad are displayed as the neg. natural logarithm of relative transmission and visibility loss respectively.

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