Figure 2 | Scientific Reports

Figure 2

From: Alteration of sheep coat color pattern by disruption of ASIP gene via CRISPR Cas9

Figure 2

Coat color phenotypes of ASIP gene targeted lambs and primary detection of targeting modification. (A) Differential coat color patterns of ASIP gene targeted lambs. a, Photos of five lambs with ASIP gene targeted. b, Representative lambs of three distinctive coat color patterns. (B) Detection of sgRNA/Cas9 mediated modification by cleavage of ASIP gene with T7EI assay. a, PCR products of the targeting region of ASIP gene amplified by the DNA extracted from lamb tail tissues. b, Electrophoresis of T7EI cleavage assay of PCR products. M, 100 bp DNA ladder marker; Con, control of wild type lamb.

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