Figure 1 | Scientific Reports

Figure 1

From: Atmospheric deposition, CO2, and change in the land carbon sink

Figure 1

Long-term trends in C fluxes for 23 forests (1992–2013). Most of the forests presented increasing trends in (a) NEP and (b) GPP, whereas (c) respiration remained fairly constant. The percentage of forests with increasing NEP was statistically higher (P = 0.001) than the percentage of forests with decreasing NEP, but the percentage of forests where GPP tended to increase was not statistically different (P = 0.28) from those with decreasing GPP. Red and blue lines indicate forests with increasing and decreasing trends, respectively, and black lines indicate the average trends. The shaded area indicates the standard error of the average trend. Grey dots indicate forest-year observations, and all values were adjusted to the same mean to remove forest-specific variability. The inset shows the modelled distribution of the trends using kernel-density estimation, indicating the percentage of forests with increasing and decreasing trends. See Methods for further information on the methodology used to calculate the trends. All data came from eddy-covariance towers.

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