Figure 7 | Scientific Reports

Figure 7

From: Adjusting the catalytic properties of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles by pulsed laser fragmentation in water with defined energy dose

Figure 7

Electrochemical analysis of chosen CoFe2O4 samples. Overpotentials (OVP) and Tafel slopes including the linear sweep voltammograms as inlet recorded at a sweep of 5 mV s−1 in 1 M KOH (a), charge transfer resistance (CTR) including Nyquist plots recorded at an overpotential of 350 mV for the educt and products after fifth (5 p), tenth (10 p), 25th (25 p) and 50th (50 p) PLFL passage (b), the dependencies of the OVP and CTR on the amount of CoO by volume and of ultra-small particles (USP) by surface (c), as well as the change of the relative surface-weighted amount of USP with PLFL passages (d). (Red filled data points are not taken into account for fitting).

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