Figure 2 | Scientific Reports

Figure 2

From: Combining membrane proteomics and computational three-way pathway analysis revealed signalling pathways preferentially regulated in human iPSCs and human ESCs

Figure 2

Similarity evaluation of the membrane proteomes among hiPSCs, hESCs, and HFF. (a) The protein log2 ratios of the profile hiPSCs/HFF are plotted against those of hESCs/HFF. A Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.945 was obtained. (b) The histogram depicted the distribution of protein log2 ratios of the profile hiPSCs/hESCs. (c) The protein log2 ratios of the profile hiPSCs/hESCs are plotted against those of HFF/hESCs. A Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.187 was obtained. (d) The protein log2 ratios of the profile hESCs/hiPSCs are plotted against those of HFF/hiPSCs. A Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.076 was obtained.

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