Figure 3 | Scientific Reports

Figure 3

From: Global Sequestration Potential of Increased Organic Carbon in Cropland Soils

Figure 3

Increase in SOC (%) over time under two cropland sequestration scenarios (Eq. (1)). SOC0 in the shown cases is 0.60% and 0.71% for the high and medium graphs, respectively; note that the values for SOC0 are exemplary only and do not affect SOC sequestration rates. If the SOC content in the 0–30 cm depth layer of all available cropland increased 0.27% (medium scenario) to 0.54% (high scenario), then from 0.56 to 1.15 t C/ha/yr would be sequestered (Table 1), which translates to 0.90 to 1.85 Pg C/yr globally, for at least the minimum of 20 years that sequestration can be expected to continue.

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