Figure 4 | Scientific Reports

Figure 4

From: Human Sexual Cycles are Driven by Culture and Match Collective Moods

Figure 4

Mood distributions and their correlations with sex-searches. Rows: 1 - USA centered on Christmas, 2 - Brazil centered on Christmas, 3 - Indonesia centered on Eid al-Fitr. Columns: (A) Heatmaps of sentiment distribution reconstructed from selected eigenmoods. Vertical axis specifies the bins of the ANEW distribution for a given mood dimension, from low (bottom) to high (top) values. Eigenmood components were selected to best characterize the respective holiday and country (after removing the first component). In the case of the USA (Row 1), the two selected components both fall in the “valence” dimension and are labelled valence1 and valence2; for Brazil (Row 2) and Indonesia (Row 3) the first component also falls in the “valence” mood dimension, but the second falls in the “arousal” and “dominance” dimensions, respectively. Horizontal axis specifies the week of the centered, averaged year (52 weeks for the Gregorian calendar, 50 for the Muslim Calendar). The dotted line in the center marks the holiday of interest, on week 26 for Christmas, or week 25 for Eid al-Fitr. Color represents the weight of the eigenmood per bin per week. (B) Projections of weeks into the space formed by the selected eigenmood components. Each axis specifies the projection of week onto each component that defines the eigenmood. See text for details and supplemental materials for more information on component selection. (C) Linear regressions between GT sex search volume (vertical-axis) and similarity to holiday center in the Twitter eigenmood space depicted in column B (horizontal-axis) for averaged weeks. The weeks of Ramadan are shown with increasing color intensity from more yellow to more green as they approach Eid-al-Fitr. The R2 values for the regressions are 0.380 for Christmas in the USA, 0.504 for Christmas in Brazil, and 0.407 (0.637 without the Ramadan weeks) for Eid-al-Fitr in Indonesia.

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