Table 1 General information of PGD for single gene disorder.

From: Importance of embryo aneuploidy screening in preimplantation genetic diagnosis for monogenic diseases using the karyomap gene chip

PGD for single gene disorder

Number of cycle


Number of couple


Maternal average age (year)

31.9 ± 4.1

Paternal average age (year)

32.4 ± 5.1

Number of COCs


Number of MII oocytes (%)

562/687 (81.8%)

2PN (%)

505/562 (89.8%)

D3 good quality embryo (%)

330/505 (65.3%)

Biopsied blastocyst (%)

186/330 (56.3%)

D5 blastocyst (%)

137/ 186 (73.7%)

D6 blastocyst (%)

49/186 (26.3%)

  1. This table demonstrates general information of PGD for single gene disorder including the number of harvested COCs, the number of biopsied blastocyst, ect.