Figure 6 | Scientific Reports

Figure 6

From: Intratesticular injection followed by electroporation allows gene transfer in caprine spermatogenic cells

Figure 6

Generation of a transgenic kid from an in vivo gene transferred buck. A total of nine matings of three bucks carrying electroporated testis resulted in the birth of 13 kids. (A) Representative photograph of a transgenic baby goat. The kid showed no EGFP expression; (B) PCR analysis revealed the presence of the EGFP gene in the blood genomic DNA of the kid, indicating the integration of plasmid into the germline cells of the in vivo gene transferred buck. Lane 13–10 & lane 8–1: kids without transgene in their genome, 9: kid carrying the transgene, D: normal doe, P: positive control (pIRES2-EGFP plasmid), N: no-template control (NTC), M: 100 bp DNA ladder. The top of the gel containing the wells was cropped; (C) Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA from the transgenic kid, 1: genomic DNA from a wild goat, 2: DNA from the kid carrying the transgene, 3: DNA marker. The blot image was cropped, and the full-length blot is presented in Supplementary Figure 6C.

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