Figure 6 | Scientific Reports

Figure 6

From: Identifying microRNA determinants of human myelopoiesis

Figure 6

The miR-223, miR-125b and mir-10a regulatory circuits in human hematopoiesis. miR-223 regulates myeloid differentiation via the transcription factors LMO, MEF2C, NFI-A, and E2F1. The latter two are themselves negative regulators of miR-223 expression and thus fine-tune miR-223 in a negative feedback loop (a). miR-125b is involved in the regulation of T-cell and B-cell differentiation as well as granulopoiesis by repressing the expression of a number of different transcription factors. We found that miR-125b expression is inhibited by IL-3 and SCF, among other regulators (b). miR-10a is another regulator of myeloid and lymphoid differentiation targeting BCL-6 and NCOR2 in lymphopoiesis, USF2 and HOXA1 in megakaryocytopoiesis, and KLF4 in monocytopoiesis.

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