Figure 6 | Scientific Reports

Figure 6

From: Shallow deformation of the San Andreas fault 5 years following the 2004 Parkfield earthquake (Mw6) combining ERS2 and Envisat InSAR

Figure 6

Time evolution of the shallow creep rate along the Creeping, Parkfield, Cholame sections (cm/yr). The Four periods (2005, 2006–2007, 2008, 2009–2010) are represented as the time error bars. The mean creep velocity is assessed every 10 km from the InSAR along fault creep rate profils (see Fig. 5) and the standard deviation is presented as vertical error bars. The location of each plot is referenced by a letter from « a » to « j » according to the top picture Fig. 5. The interseimic mean creep is indicated by the top edge of the grey rectangles (values derived from Ryder et al.3 and de Michele et al.11). The bold dark vertical line symbolizes the date of the PKEQ.

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