Figure 5 | Scientific Reports

Figure 5

From: Changes in short term river flow regulation and hydropeaking in Nordic rivers

Figure 5

Aggregated mean long term regulation (a) and aggregated mean short term regulation (b) pattern in terms of specific discharge on large (1) medium (2) and small river (3) and that of comparable unregulated stations. Taivalkoski (regulated), Ounasjoki at kongas (unregulated) on daily scale (a1) and hourly scale (b1). Montta (regulated), Sanginjoki (unregulated) on daily scale (a2) and hourly scale (b2). Kyröskoski (regulated), Vakkola (unregulated) on daily scale (a3) and hourly scale (b3). The x-axis shows (a1a3) show days of the year and (b1b3) hours of the day.

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