Figure 8 | Scientific Reports

Figure 8

From: Changes in short term river flow regulation and hydropeaking in Nordic rivers

Figure 8

Box-and-whisker plots for the daily averaged values of HP1 for ROR dams (a1), HP1 for HHH dams (b1), HP2 for ROR dams (a2) and HP2 for HHH dams (b2) for small, medium and large river catchments. Months on X-axis are in the order of January (1) to December (12). Each month has 3 box-and-whisker plots one for each category of catchment sizes. Figure shows the median (dark horizontal line), percentiles 75 and 25 (edges of boxes), percentiles 90 and 10 (end of vertical lines), and outliers (circles). Horizontal line going through all the boxplots are threshold limit values for HP1 and HP2. Note the different scales on the y-axis for figures (a2,b2).

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