Figure 6 | Scientific Reports

Figure 6

From: Lifeact-TagGFP2 alters F-actin organization, cellular morphology and biophysical behaviour

Figure 6

Lifeact expression alters intracellular localization of YAP. Ratio of nuclear to cytoplasmic YAP localization according to Lifeact-TagGFP2 cellular fluorescence (a) and cell area (b). In (b), black symbols correspond to cells not transduced (control) and red symbols correspond to cells transduced with Lifeact-TagGFP2. (c) Example cells displaying localization of YAP staining to Lifeact-containing stress fibres. The cell on the left was transduced with Lifeact and the cell on the right was not transduced. After fixation, cells were stained with DAPI (middle panels) and against YAP (bottom panels). Scale bar is 50 µm. (d) Average pixel intentisty of YAP fluorescence colocalized to Lifeact-containing stress fibres is dependant on the total amount of Lifeact expressed in the cell. Data is presented as mean, error bars indicate standard deviation. For (a) and (d), background colours indicate the regimes where cells display no Lifeact-induced effect (yellow background), a dose-response trend (white background) and a saturation plateau (gray background), as identified from analyses of peak changes in variability in the neighbourhood of each point for each parameter plotted. Values for >12 cells were pooled to compute each individual data point.

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