Figure 2 | Scientific Reports

Figure 2

From: Demonstration of End-to-End Automation of DNA Data Storage

Figure 2

Synthesis and sequencing process quality. (a) Insertion, deletion, and substitution frequency by locus for a synthesized and PCR-amplified 100-mer. Below: An overview of errors. Above: An expanded view of the central 60 bases. The terminal 20 bases come from primers used in amplification and therefore are not representative of synthesis quality. (b) Combined write-to-read quality of synthesis, ligation, and sequencing. Bases −60 to −4 (below, grey) are adapter bases. Bases −3 to 0 (below, red) are the ligation scar. Bases 0 to 39 (below, blue) are the synthesized payload region with 8 bases of padding on the 3′ end. (c) Distribution of nanopore read lengths with unligated, 1D and 2D read lengths identified.

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