Figure 2 | Scientific Reports

Figure 2

From: Wavelet-based analysis of ground deformation coupling satellite acquisitions (Sentinel-1, SMOS) and data from shallow and deep wells in Southwestern France

Figure 2

(a) Average LOS displacement in a reference zone away from L1 well around the 790 m/NGF isobath (see Fig. 1c). (b) Time profiles of eight Line of Sight (LOS) displacements (4 PS and 4 DS) around the Lussagnet exploitation wells and the mean value (called LUG-M8a) and the mean time value with a constant time sampling of 12 days (called LUG-M8). (c) Comparison of the time evolution of LOS displacement at BKKB8Z5Y point with the sinusoidal regression model and with the sum of the sinusoidal regression model and the DInSAR time series near L2 location.

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