Figure 4 | Scientific Reports

Figure 4

From: Divergent selection and genetic structure of Sideritis scardica populations from southern Balkan Peninsula as revealed by AFLP fingerprinting

Figure 4

Identification of FST outlier loci using (a) Mcheza and (b) BayeScan, and (c) the Venn diagram summarizing the number of loci identified as FST outlier loci by Mcheza and BayeScan and significantly associated with environmental variables by Samβada. In (A) FST values were plotted against its heterozygosity (HE). The dashed lines represent the 99% confidence intervals. Loci under positive selection are indicated as black dots, those under balancing selection as white dots and neutral as grey dots. Loci under positive selection detected also by BayeScan are underlined while those identified by Samβada are shown in italics. In (B) FST values were plotted against the log10 of the posterior odds (PO). The vertical line shows the critical PO used for identifying outlier markers [FDR < 0.01; PO = 49.76; log10(PO) = 1.697]. Loci under positive selection detected also by Mcheza are underlined while those identified by Samβada are shown in italics.

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