Figure 5 | Scientific Reports

Figure 5

From: Beneficial effects of Lactobacillus reuteri 6475 on bone density in male mice is dependent on lymphocytes

Figure 5

Effect of L. reuteri 6475 on cytokine expression in CD3+ lymphocytes isolated from MLNs. Mesenteric lymph nodes were isolated from male C57BL/6 mice (12–18 weeks), homogenized and CD3+ cells obtained by magnetic separation. CD3+ cells were cultured with live or heat killed L. reuteri 6475 at an MOI of 1, 10 or 100 for 4 days. Cells were analyzed using flow cytometry for expression of IL-10, INFγ, IL-17 A and TGFβ. Results for MFI and % positive cells were analysed as (A) CD3 + cells or (B) gated on the MLN CD4+ T cells. Statistical analysis performed by 2-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 compared to relevant control. n = 5.

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