Figure 5 | Scientific Reports

Figure 5

From: Cytogenetic markers reveal a reinforcement of variation in the tension zone between chromosome races in the brachypterous grasshopper Podisma sapporensis Shir. on Hokkaido Island

Figure 5

Morphotypes of the X chromosome in individuals X0-4 (a), X0-1 (b), X0-9 (c), X0-11 (d), XY-2 (e) and XY-8 (f); C-, DAPI (blue) and CMA3 (green) stained heterochromatin, as well as 18S rDNA (green)/telomeric DNA probes (red) and the NORs of diakinesis (ae) and spermatogonial metaphase (f). In the X0/XX race, DAPI is not visible (DAPI−) as well as hybridization areas are not (18S−) or very poorly (18S+) visualized (a) or C/DAPI/CMA3 bands and FISH signals varied in size/position/intensity (bd); this chromosome generally demonstrates a correspondence between the location of major ribosomal genes and the position of C-bands, GC-rich and NOR sites (arrows). In the neo-XY system (ef), thick C/DAPI/CMA3 blocks co-localized with rDNA-FISH/NOR signals in one of the arms of neo-X (arrows).

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