Figure 1 | Scientific Reports

Figure 1

From: An improved method for studying mouse diaphragm function

Figure 1

Mouse diaphragm and suture-based diaphragm strip mounting method. (A) A representative photomicrograph of a normal (BL10) mouse diaphragm viewed from the abdominal cavity. The mammalian diaphragm is composed of three components: 1. Central tendon; 2. Costal diaphragm; and 3. Crural diaphragm. The whole diaphragm muscle was dissected from a mouse and pinned in a Sylgard plate. Black dotted rectangle showing the region where the strip is cut out for force measurement. (B,C) Representative photomicrographs of two suture-based methods. (B) A single suture is used to hold the rib. (C) Two sutures are used to hold the rib. Black arrowhead showing a hole created by the suture in the diaphragm muscle in the one suture method. Black arrows showing how the diaphragm strip is pinched after tying a suture around the central tendon.

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