Table 1 Post-hoc tests of psilocybin effects on self-report measures of affect.

From: Emotions and brain function are altered up to one month after a single high dose of psilocybin



1 week

Baseline vs 1 week

1 month

Baseline vs 1 month

1 week vs

1 month

Mean (SE)

Mean (SE)

z, p

Mean (SE)

z, p

z, p

Joy (DPES)

5.45 (0.21)

6.02 (0.17)

3.06, 0.007

5.92 (0.21)

2.92, 0.007

0.08, 0.939

Content (DPES)

5.62 (0.24)

6.27 (0.16)

2.97, 0.009

6.13 (0.23)

2.49, 0.026

0.43, 0.667

Pride (DPES)

5.42 (0.22)

5.96 (0.14)

2.85, 0.009

5.95 (0.18)

3.05, 0.007

0.25, 0.805

Compassion (DPES)

5.75 (0.31)

6.25 (0.26)

3.55, 0.001

6.00 (0.30)

3.18, 0.003

0.26, 0.798

Amusement (DPES)

5.02 (0.31)

5.60 (0.32)

3.11, 0.004

5.71 (0.31)

3.59, 0.001

0.58, 0.565

Stress (DASS)

4.91 (1.06)

2.00 (0.60)

2.95, 0.009

3.27 (1.12)

1.81, 0.141

1.09, 0.276

Negative Affect (PANAS-X)

16.09 (1.00)

12.36 (0.93)

4.28, 0.00006

13.91 (1.03)

2.50, 0.025

1.68, 0.093

Tension (POMS)

4.82 (1.22)

1.73 (0.49)

3.52, 0.0013

3.82 (1.19)

1.23, 0.219

2.21, 0.054

Depression (POMS)

3.36 (0.81)

0.55 (0.25)

3.20, 0.004

2.64 (1.03)

0.87, 0.385

2.29, 0.044

Total Mood Disturbance (POMS)

3.64 (5.67)

−10.5 (3.23)

3.37, 0.002

−3.55 (6.19)

1.69, 0.181

1.59, 0.181

State Anxiety (STAI)

28.0 (2.41)

22.82 (1.37)

2.80, 0.016

25.64 (2.56)

1.31, 0.309

1.42, 0.309

Trait Anxiety (STAI)

31.36 (1.91)

28.55 (1.32)

2.11, 0.070

27.55 (1.95)

2.65, 0.024

0.60, 0.549

  1. DASS: Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale; DPES: Dispositional Positive Emotion Scale; PANAS-X: Positive and Negative Affect Schedule - X; POMS: Profile of Mood States; STAI: State-Trait Anxiety Index; SE: standard error of the mean. Post-hoc tests were conducted using Tukey’s method for correcting for multiple comparisons101. Significant comparisons (α = 0.05, corrected) are indicated in bold font.