Table 1 Means, standard deviations, and zero-order between-person and within-person correlations for well-being and duration of use.

From: The effect of social media on well-being differs from adolescent to adolescent


M (SD)

Well-being between-person

Well-being within-person


5.61 (0.75)

Duration of overall active social media use

12.47 (11.49)



Duration of overall passive social media use

19.71 (8.95)



Duration of active Instagram use

5.15 (6.69)

− .03


Duration of passive Instagram use

9.39 (4.84)

− .07


Duration of active WhatsApp use

5.34 (4.14)



Duration of passive WhatsApp use

7.34 (3.69)



  1. Means were calculated at the between-person level and represent the average number of minutes that adolescents had spent using social media in the past hour across assessments during which adolescents had used social media/Instagram/WhatsApp in the past hour. All correlations are based on the assessments during which participants had used social media/Instagram/WhatsApp, either actively or passively. N = 63 for active and passive overall social media use; N = 60 for active and passive Instagram use; N = 63 for active and passive WhatsApp use.
  2. *p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.